Thursday, July 10, 2008

"Good" cholesterol may protect memory, study finds (Reuters)

Reuters - Middle-aged people with low levels of so-called good cholesterol may be at higher risk for memory decline that could foreshadow Alzheimer's disease or other forms of dementia, European researchers said on Monday.

HGH, the short form for human growth hormone, is a hormone secreted from pituitary gland and is responsible for body growth in human beings. It is responsible for tissue re-generation in our body. When right amount of HGH is produced in our body, numbers of dying tissues are equal to the numbers of new tissues being generated.

HGH was being use for the treatment of people suffering from growth deficiency problems since 1950s. But people get to know about it in 1990s when some doctors discovered that it can be used for anti-aging purpose.

HGH production in our body is at the peak when we are at the age of 20 year. Then it starts decreasing. At the age of 60, the amount of daily growth hormone production is only 20% of what was being generated at the age of 20%. So, anti-aging experts discovered that giving anti-aging doses to these senior people can help them look and feel young.

Its amount in our body can be increased in two ways; either taken externally as an injection; or taken as HGH releaser supplements. The injections are very costly and can cost up to $2,000 per curcumin tumeric powder extract of doses. These injections can only be obtained on the prescription of a doctor. Wherein releaser supplements are not real HGH, but are products which help our body to make more of it. So it is a natural way of increasing HGH in our body.

It generates more tissues in our body, so that we look younger then we are. It also reduces the body fat. People have shown results like better look, more energetic, reduced fat and better sleep.

When HGH is increased in our body with the help of releaser supplements, there are no side effects because our body knows how much of it to be generated. But when it is taken in the form of injection, it must be prescribed and regulated by an expert doctor. Excess of this hormone in out body can be dangerous. So if you plan to take it, consult your physician and ask for an expert.

HGH provides detailed information about various types of HGH available and how it should be consumed. It also gives details about HGH releaser, its benefits and side effects.